Better Communicate How Your Brand Makes a Customer's Life Better.

We Help You Convert Website Visitors into Customers

We Help You Convert Website Visitors into Customers

We Help You Convert Website Visitors into Customers

lead generation, landing page, small business app


If its not consistently generating leads, there's no clear message how you can solve a problem or make life better.

Here's why.  Prospective customers come to your website because they want to do business with you. If they cannot immediately find an answer to improve their life, they will continue their search, leaving you with a lost opportunity.

Once you clarify your brand message, it makes communicating easy.  On your website, on social media, in your elevator pitch, in your email blasts and in your advertising.

Imagine how much your business could grow if your website was generating qualified leads for you each day.
Customers want to solve a problem that has, in big or small ways, disrupted their life.

 In the BrandDistill we discover:

Your BrandDistill session includes a 1.5-2  hour strategy session, a written brief with the results from the session and a plan to move forward, plus a homepage mock-up which will allow your website visitors to immediately determine what you offer, how it will solve their problem and the next step to get your solution.

Is your Website Killing your Networking?

Does this sound familiar?  You faithfully grab a handful of business cards, put on your best smile and head to one or two networking meetings each week.  Your elevator pitch is consistent and your fellow networkers know it well enough to say it with you.  You have one on one meetings regularly, always looking for opportunities to refer them and know they are doing the same for you.   But you are not getting any customers.
Your website may be killing your networking efforts to convert leads.  Take the 5 Second Test and see if your website passes or fails.
The 5 Second Test
Find someone who is not familiar with your business and show them your website for 5 seconds.  Remove the screen from their view and ask them:

(1) What does my company offer?
(2) How will it  make your life better or solve a problem?
(3) What is the next step to purchase or get started?

Odds are they will not find the answers.

What they will find is:

I recently watched a movie about the life of Steven Jobs.  He started Apple in his garage.   They created the Apple 1 and then the Apple 2 and then the ill fated Lisa.
Was there something wrong with the product?  No, there was something wrong with the brand message.
Steve Jobs took out a 9 page advertisement in the Wall Street Journal describing the amazing technical features of the new Lisa computer.  

It cost him his job when the computer turned out to be a failure.
He left Apple to run Pixar, a company creating animated movies.  There he learned how to tell a story which grabs attention and holds interest.
When he returned to Apple, his first advertisement was once again placed in the Wall Street Journal for the world to read.
It contained 2 words:
You know how the Apple story went from there.
Did your website fail the 5 Second Test?

If so, remember the 3 things that need to be clearly communicated: what you offer, how it will make their life better, and what's the next step they should take.  These need to clearly visible when they first open your website, without having to scroll down.  Think about a newspaper.  The most important things they want you to read are above the fold so you see them without even having to pick the paper up and unfold it.
If you need help distilling and featuring these three components, we have a proven process to help clarify and present your brand message.

Attention Ratio compares the number of the things you can do on a given page to the number of things you should be doing.


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